The author of this post is Mr Tamas Mike, a Hungarian preacher. With his permission the ReThinkers blogger's translated it into English. This preaching is available to listen through the H.E.V. church's homepage, but of course just in Hungarian language.
"Hi Everybody,
I would like to start with a musical concept, then we will start the preaching. The word symphony, how the Greek use it, συμφωνία /sumphonia/, means resonance, jingle, cooperation. This is my favorite spiritual experience, confirmation. You know when Paul says that "As the scripture say, 'The facts of every case must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses'." Therefore an unmentioned, (but he's in the corner of my eyes), person has 'pushed' me into one particular topic for tonight’s preaching. =)
One huge argument, brain-storming started to form on the subject of marriage, divorce, unequal yoke and things like that on a forum, which is unfortunately not ours, but I try to guide the people to that direction. So in this context now, the Holy Spirit brought forth a topic which is many time spoken, and so many times misunderstood. What good is that the confirmation in the subject has happened, the symphony.
Now I will start with the fundamental verse of the „Yoke” : „At that time” it’s in Matthew 11 (Mat 11:25-30) „At that time Jesus began to say, I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth [and I acknowledge openly and joyfully to Your honor], that You have hidden these things from the wise and clever and learned, and revealed them to babies [to the childish, untaught, and unskilled]. Yes, Father, [I praise You that] such was Your gracious will and good pleasure. All things have been entrusted and delivered to Me by My Father; and no one fully knows and accurately understands the Son except the Father, and no one fully knows and accurately understands the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son deliberately wills to make Him known. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]”
As you can see „ All things have been entrusted and delivered to Me by My Father…No one fully knows the Son except the Father…No one fully knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son deliberately wills”. And from that comes „ Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]” And how does it continues? Here comes the „Yoke”: „ Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me,” I just love this translation! „ for I am gentle and humble in heart,” It’s not a behavior, it comes from inside! „for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.” I love it so much it’s so heart warming and so many times it goes opposite to the reality.
Cause usually I don’t meet with people when everything goes well in their life. Thanks to God, Yesterday we had got an opportunity to relocate Kristy in Pecs, and that way we could meet up with Emoke and with her husband Szabi, who are well and they are happy and everything is fine with them. And it was so good to be „needless”, but usually that’s not the case. Instead the situation is that I always met with people when there’s a problem in their life. And here Jesus says „Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is wholesome, and My burden is light and easy to be borne.” And therefore the Christians are coming, that this and that’s the problem, one thing or another are not working, I don’t know what to do now, Help me! and then it looks like that this Verse is just not true. No, the Verse IS true. The problem is that we know everything perfectly in theory, and we 'use it', and yes „we take on the Yoke” and everything is 'amazing, and cool'.
And it’s TRUE in certain areas of our life, in OTHER PARTS it’s not working. Therefore you can see some really 'cute' things, like that „piece of facebook”: Miss Lavinia Goldsmith likes „I love Jesus” and 4 other pages. The 4 other pages are: „Band Depression ”, „No music, no life”, „If a man says maybe then you’re f… my friend” and the forth is „The Bible”. This effectively shows in one picture the situation when people are coming to me, and they are telling me that they've got a problem in their life, and believe me that the problem is not with the Yoke, rather with that we've got two different lives.
I try not to have two, but I can calmly put myself into this as well. For everyone it’s a learning curve until you get there in the everyday life and at the workplace and even in whatever situation to be the same. Well in recently I am getting better with it. For example once, my manager got angry and then later he said that „Alright I know that from your perspective” mainly as a psychologist , „It looks totally different, so please tell me what do you think about it”. So sometimes I get into a situation, where somebody says this kind of stuff, but after he reconsiders, and asks for the outside perspective from where everything looks totally different.
How was it? I love it so much : „for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”. This inner peace radiates out, but it can be irritating. Look at that, Peter says in 1 Peter 4:4 „They think it strange that you don’t plunge with them into the same flood of dissoluteness, and so they heap insults on you.” So from one hand we are emitting some really exotic feelings, but on the other hand it can be really irritating for some people. It’s when they’re asking „Why are you so calm?” I got it so many times, „Why are you not angry?”. I always say that I've got something inside, which separates me from all of this, and no matter what’ll happen, I’ll be safe."
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