
Am I allowed to think?!

What the purpose of my life?

Sunday, 3 March 2013

The freedom to disagree

What do I want to say to you?! I want to say I don't agree with you. I have freedom to disagree. I have freedom to live my own life, to make my own decisions the way I want to do them. I have a heart, I have my senses. I feel if something is good, and I feel if something is not. Don't tell me that there isn't a thing like Right or Wrong.

So what is it then, when you are unbelievable happy or when your heart is so broken. How do you explain it? Where is it comes from then?

You are in your twenties. Everyone telling you every kind of advice. Be someone who you are not. That's what they try to tell you. Because if you are not turning to be someone, or you are not gonna start doing things, then you are weird, and strange. Go with the flow, just after the crowd.

And If you don't have a self confidence, you don't trust in yourself. You are afraid to grab your own understanding about things and rely on it.
You feel like you are incapable to make decisions. But there is one fact. YOU are the one person who should make decisions about yourself and then YOU gonna be responsible for them.

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