
Am I allowed to think?!

What the purpose of my life?

Thursday 3 April 2014

What is Love?!?

Nowadays the description for love is just when you fill the emotions rise inside, the flesh and all the desires. But this is not real Love. These are spontaneous healthy symptoms that you are a human being. These are more the physical elements of Love.

To love someone and to be loved from your beloved one of course you need to have these physical attractions.

But your relationship and your marriage won't live for long IF it is based only on the physical and sexual attraction.

Love means SO MUCH MORE than these. Love means, you CARE for your partner MORE than you care for yourself. It means you are LESS SELFISH. You are ABLE TO COMPROMISE.  Love is when you can PUT someone's need BEFORE YOURS.

Love is when you are FAITHFUL to your loved one, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Love is when you love someone WITHOUT ANY EXPECTATION.

You can love someone more easily, If you find your inner peace. If YOU yourself are OK with YOURSELF, and you have reconciled with your background, with your past. If you find your balance in your everyday life. When you find peace in God!

"Let Love and Faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." /Proverbs 3:3/

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