'A bit of subject changing, but it’s necessary. Do you know what is the main purpose of religion?
The main purpose of religion is to help to 'avoid' the meeting with God. It gives a series of activities which if I do properly then I had the catharsis, I can happily nod, everything is amazing, Mr Mike has spoken with God, and he told what God has said to him, and because of that I don’t have to speak with HIM.
And I can tell you where is the unequal yoke. Within the believers heart there’s a commitment towards God. But there’s a compulsion for conformity within the church. Good night to everyone! We should decide it, okay, obviously it’s important to be the part of The Body of Christ, to fit in, but in the Heaven they won’t ask you about ’Miss Maggie’s opinion about your marriage from the last row. Forgive me, but God is not interested in ’Miss Maggie’s opinion. The fellowship is very interested in her opinion, because ’Miss Maggie’ has got a loud voice and she speaks a lot. But, but, can you understand the meaning of it?! So the conclusion of the story is that don’t give up THAT inner peace, stability, calmness, yoke that you have taken up, just because what they are thinking about you. That’s true in your workplace, within the church, in your ministration with other Christians and with your relatives.
The problem is when you start to do these kind of compromises in your life, then to undo them or turn back from there will be very-very difficult. For example, if once in your working place either in your family you denied Christ like that, so you didn’t admit Him, you left Him out. I can always imagine this as the following, that the Lord is there, but the only one who can see Him, is you, not the others, so then when you do it, it is like saying that He is not there, inside you. So just once you pushed Jesus to the background, then there is a problem and to return from that point is a long period. It could be months, in terms of credibility and in terms of your own inner peace. Start it, if it takes long, doesn’t matter, because it’s worth to do! Start to admit Christ in your life, in your personal life, in your family and in your working place. If you once admit it, then it will be much more easier to admit Him in another time, in another situation.'
This is the thing, that to open our hearts could be dangerous, therefore to go to God, ask from him something, is holding within itself the risk that HE will answer. We can ruin it, in double ways. In one hand we can ruin it by telling HIM that this and that is happening and then running away, not waiting to HIS answer. The other way is when HE IS saying unpleasant things and I say that ’the device’ wasn’t working properly and I heard it incorrectly. It’s a huge failure and a great loss, but Paul is saying „(I am talking as to my children), let your hearts be wide open to me.” And don’t be in unequal yoke with unbelievers that’s how it continues. So from the aspect of the tense it’s not saying to ’not be with’, instead ’to not get into’ unequal yoke with unbeliever. That’s the correct translation. Therefore before that, you had the yoke which gave you ’inner rest, peace, stability’. Don’t get in something which removes you from it, okay? That’s the important thing.
I declare the following thing, coming back to marriages. You can live in unequal yoke if you are, as a believer, married to another believer. It’s easily possible to be in unequal yoke within a believer – unbeliever marriage, but the unequal yoke is inside the heart of the believer. Exact question, real situation. Someone is saying that ’she has got a very good relationship with her husband’, ’they love each other’ and ’everything is cool’ but he cannot stand the Christians. Yes, yes, yes! From one hand „They think it strange that you don’t plunge with them.” But if, he loves his wife, then I’m sure that he loves all of her soul, including that part which is in relationship with God. No, the problem is not there! The problem is with, from my own experience it happens a thousand times, when accidentally he - the poor guy - goes to a church, and then he is surrounded by six hundred people who’s asking that ’Oh, you are not converted, right?’ and well ’It would be better if you would be a believer, because that way the children could grow up in unity.’. And I don’t know what else. They cover you with all of this, I call it ’saint-sauce’, from that I would run out from church as well. Right?
I declare the following thing, coming back to marriages. You can live in unequal yoke if you are, as a believer, married to another believer. It’s easily possible to be in unequal yoke within a believer – unbeliever marriage, but the unequal yoke is inside the heart of the believer. Exact question, real situation. Someone is saying that ’she has got a very good relationship with her husband’, ’they love each other’ and ’everything is cool’ but he cannot stand the Christians. Yes, yes, yes! From one hand „They think it strange that you don’t plunge with them.” But if, he loves his wife, then I’m sure that he loves all of her soul, including that part which is in relationship with God. No, the problem is not there! The problem is with, from my own experience it happens a thousand times, when accidentally he - the poor guy - goes to a church, and then he is surrounded by six hundred people who’s asking that ’Oh, you are not converted, right?’ and well ’It would be better if you would be a believer, because that way the children could grow up in unity.’. And I don’t know what else. They cover you with all of this, I call it ’saint-sauce’, from that I would run out from church as well. Right?
And I can tell you where is the unequal yoke. Within the believers heart there’s a commitment towards God. But there’s a compulsion for conformity within the church. Good night to everyone! We should decide it, okay, obviously it’s important to be the part of The Body of Christ, to fit in, but in the Heaven they won’t ask you about ’Miss Maggie’s opinion about your marriage from the last row. Forgive me, but God is not interested in ’Miss Maggie’s opinion. The fellowship is very interested in her opinion, because ’Miss Maggie’ has got a loud voice and she speaks a lot. But, but, can you understand the meaning of it?! So the conclusion of the story is that don’t give up THAT inner peace, stability, calmness, yoke that you have taken up, just because what they are thinking about you. That’s true in your workplace, within the church, in your ministration with other Christians and with your relatives.
The problem is when you start to do these kind of compromises in your life, then to undo them or turn back from there will be very-very difficult. For example, if once in your working place either in your family you denied Christ like that, so you didn’t admit Him, you left Him out. I can always imagine this as the following, that the Lord is there, but the only one who can see Him, is you, not the others, so then when you do it, it is like saying that He is not there, inside you. So just once you pushed Jesus to the background, then there is a problem and to return from that point is a long period. It could be months, in terms of credibility and in terms of your own inner peace. Start it, if it takes long, doesn’t matter, because it’s worth to do! Start to admit Christ in your life, in your personal life, in your family and in your working place. If you once admit it, then it will be much more easier to admit Him in another time, in another situation.'
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